Need to teach your kids about recycling? Try using the ENDLESS broken and stray crayons as an example. We're never at a loss for those around here. Step one- put the crayons into a container and...
cover with water to soak. If you don't care about ruining your nails trying to get the glue and paper off, don't worry about this step. The cheaper the crayon, the easier to remove the paper.
Once crayons are paperless- Put into desire molds. You'll want to use a dedicated mold for crafts- I don't think you'll want to use them again for food. If using a silicone mold, placing it on a cookie tray will prevent very messy spills- no, I don't know from experience- --this time anyway ;).
Melt in a warm oven- about 200 degrees for 15 minutes or so. Carefully remove from oven and cool. Voila~ you have new crayons. Try them for a birthday party activity.
Whatever you decide- it makes a nice distraction. Let's say you need to be distracted from the back yard mess...
or the dirty children from the back yard mess. The REALLY dirty children...
So dirty their clothes weren't even worth salvaging for another play day.
Until next time- have a great weekend!