Monday, August 17, 2009


This is probably not very exciting to most- but for the little feet trying to complete school, it provided quite a distraction.

After determining from the experts that our HUGE oak tree was in fact gone, funeral arrangements were made. Who better to help? Shawn-boy to the rescue!

Meet Shawn. He is crazy. He tells us we might want to move the SUV, just in case. Note that the vehicle was parked right beside the house- but no worries!
Let's say a quick prayer for that 'just in case'
Really-- it's NO big deal to walk away from a tree that's notched out-- we've got all day~
Five minutes later-- no problem-- just where we wanted it to land :) Phew!
Big thanks to Valley Tree Service for another awesome job!! :)

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Oh My Gosh - that's an eventful morning for ya - did you have a lesson on logging and determining where a tree was gonna land? There's a science to it, ya least that's what I've heard on TLC....I don't think I'll recognize the place when I get there....whew!!