Friday, December 19, 2008

Trans Siberian ....

After years of loving their songs on the radio and hearing the rave reviews about the show, we finally had to check it out for ourselves~

The stage show was unbelievably impressive~ and at most times quite beautiful, even complete with falling snow on a few songs. Sorry, I couldn't find a video of that.

If you can ignore the crazy traffic it took us to get there, it is an experience you have to see to appreciate. Mark thoroughly enjoyed his Christmas gift from me this year. I was only thinking of you honey. Really :)

Just a side note: if you don't like electric guitars and hard rock (which I'm usually not a big fan of), you might want to check out youtube videos before you spend lots of money on tickets. You also might want to do some double-checking before you take your little ones-- or just stick with a B.E. Taylor Christmas (click on the Christmas demo) to be safe. You can't go wrong there :)

1 comment:

granola girl said...
