Friday, February 22, 2008

In a Week

It's been one of those weeks. One of those weeks that 1 thing happens and you may as well call 'snow day' for the rest of the week. For me- a simple 1 day sickness started the derailment. I'm not usually a ponderer of things- but I briefly had this thought. First, look what my guys can finish in a day.... (that's a studded in new bathroom)....

My guys can complete that in a matter of hours. Along those lines- our little ones rarely watch regularly scheduled TV, with the exception of Extreme Makeover Home Edition. On that show they don't just complete a house in a week. They pack an entire household of belongings, demolish a home, build a totally brand new home- usually in 4-5 days, unpack old items, fully furnish with new furniture, totally restock food items, clothes, etc, etc, etc, and move in to a brand new, clean home. In a week. One week.

Now could someone please explain to me why in one week's time, I cannot seem to get a load (just ONE simple load) of laundry fully finished, folded, ironed and put away??? Or finish cleaning my room- just 1 little room. Or get my desk cleaned off?? Just wondering....

1 comment:

Lauri said...

aw, come on now Jen - just admit it - you were goofing off all week - and you're totally disorganized - and you really spent waaaay too much time surfing the internet....oh..wait, that's me...never mind..
