Thursday, October 30, 2008

No School Apple Project Day

The greatest thing about homeschooling is the ability to set your schedule. We typically do some 'school' all year, allowing Mom to say "No Book-Work Day!" And that's exactly what I did today. Instead: Apple Projects. Please use common sense and extreme caution and assist small children when making this project- sharp objects can hurt little fingers....

First- remove the skin from your apples-

Next: Carve faces into the apples~ if it's a soft apple, little fingers can pick out eyes just fine, or use a dull butter knife or spoon. My #1 son's choice tool was a pocket knife - he's used one just fine for years, so his carving skills were up to par.

Did you notice that he's really excited for Christmas to come? And do you see the apple temptation on Jacob's face? Hmmm.... sure looks good.... Yep~ it IS quite tasty-- needless to say, Mom carved his apple face for him-- on another apple.And this is what you'll end up with: Now the fun part comes-- waiting for them to dry out. Over the next few days/weeks, they'll transform into little old faces, which you can decorate with fabric. Stay tuned as ours 'age.' Or, for my impatient followers, you can stick them in the over on very low heat for a few hours. To be continued...

1 comment:

Lauri said...

mmmmm - I agree with Jacob - can't we just eat our specimens? make sure you post about the progress - I want to see how much they "shrink"...

Love ya