Sunday, March 30, 2008


and wait... for warmth... so at last we -oops- I mean they- can sleep outside in their creation. The children were bummed out that it wasn't warm enough this weekend to enjoy their labor from the week. After returning home from a shopping trip, Lydia noted an addition to the tent area- 2 tiki torches- MOM LOOK- the torches are out!!! Ahhh, to be so thrilled with simple things!

The dinner topic of the evening was the discussion of how their new tent area was like Survivor- Daddy said we could have challenges and the loser gets voted out of the tent. Never fear little children. Mom grants immunity to all. She will be the brave heroine and send herself to exile house. :) She'll even be brave while she finds her own sleeping quarters all the while fending off PapPap for her own food for the night. :)


Chuck said...

You're setting such a great example of good sportsmanship! ;) Very nice.

Lauri said...

I know you can take PapPap in a food fight - he'll be too busy laughing...however, I think Markie should grill hot dogs over the fire pit and you and PapPap should go out to dinner!! How's that sound?