This being my 4th visit to the Disney Parks, I'm still in AWE! Words can't express or describe the 'magical' feeling here! I'm thinking this should be a 'required' visit for every adult at least once every year, just to get that child-like magic back! We could all use a little more of that 'wonder' in us! Now there are some things I would do differently, or not again ;) ...
Take for instance the highlight of Day 3: waking early to head to the Royal Feast at the Castle-attended by each of the princesses- except of course Cinderella who has to tend to her WAY more important duties. Now mind you this breakfast is not served in Cinderella's castle- for surely according to the cost of that, your hot delicacies MUST be served to you personally by 20 servants and the food MUST be placed on china made of gold! Anyway, add 100 or so little princess girls (plus their poor little brothers who had to be drug along), plus a very small castle dining area, buffet style yet, with all of these princesses walking the room with screaming little girls and camera flashes everywhere- and you get the point. A bit chaotic for me. Don't get me wrong, the girls had a blast~ but I'm not thinking that will happen again:) Then after all of that, Elizabeth WANTS to see Cinderella :) and Lydia was a bit upset because she thought the princesses would actually sit with her and eat at the table. Day 3 was great though! The countries of Epcot were unbelievable as always and even a little rain couldn't dampen the evening. Never though we would be sipping hot chocolate and coffee ($5 each yet :) because we were so cold! Thankfully the downpour only lasted about an hour and on with the laser show.
Very Brief Day 4 highlights- I'm getting REALLY sleepy! Lights, Cameras, Action!! MGM!! All of the shows were as fun as I remembered- and their new Car Stunt Show was a hit with all of the children. The children loved the snow blowing outside of Narnia, one of their favorite movies. We did leave the park for the afternoon to meet and swim at a new family/friends home. The children had a blast in the pool- I asked Elisha later in the evening what his favorite time so far was- his answer: swimming! (He's ready for more Coasters- we may have to try out Aerosmith on him tomorrow) We had a really fun time visiting and hope to do it again sometime! Then- back to the park for Fantasmic-- what a show! The children had their eyes glued to the stage every minute and I can't believe the minds that can come up with those special effects!
I wish I could share picts with you- soon I hope! As far as the children slowing down a little-- NEVER, NOT for a SECOND!!!!!! Carrie- you're right- espresso! Now- if I could only find it for less than $10 :) Everyone says wait to go to Disney until the babies are old enough to appreciate it- but little Jacob seems to be having the most fun of all. I say take them when they are babies, and then again when they are older- or every year- after winning the LOTTO of course- that you probably don't play:)