Our journey of sorting through the gunk of life to discover what's really important~ all through the eyes of a fun-loving Karate Mom to 4 once- homeschooled children~
Saturday, May 5, 2007
It's over!!!
Finally-- a sigh of relief (or exhaustion)-- the yard sale has been completed, and phew! We made out pretty well- all things considered. Mr. Weatherman was just slightly incorrect, as we have been watching the weather all week with BRIGHT sunshines and a BEAUTFUL weekend predicted. That's why we busted our butts all week to have it today, because sunny Saturday's can be rare- guess what?? Yep-- it rained most of the morning. But still, and quite thankfully, the people came. Just made for a pretty bad hair day. :) The children had a blast drawing with sidewalk chalk, and were quite content to eat in the garage during rain showers. Just feed my kids and they'll be happy- YES, I really do feed them during the day- usually- ha ha!! Too bad the garage wasn't big enough to put all of the junk --oops- other people's treasures I mean, in.
After yard-saling and very quick baths, onto the piano recital. It was a proud mommy moment to listen to Elisha and Lydia perform their pieces. They did well, and Jacob and Elizabeth were very excited as shown in the picture. Ha Ha! Time to relax. Have a great weekend-- it's supposed to be a beautiful, bright, sunny day tomorrow :)
1 comment:
Congrats on the big sale and the recital---we're lame and coped out.
Bring on Summer!!
Have fun at Disney and take lots of pictures for us!
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