And the question of the day?? Just who IS the biggest kid here? Who cries with excitement just seeing the glittering stars on the movie screen showing aboard the Magic Express whisking you from the airport to your resort?? Not me-- no siree!!
These are the 2 little ones riding in style on the airplane. What did we do without laptops?

LOVED the Rainforest Cafe!!! Food wasn't bad either.
Oh Yeah I wanted to comment on the jumping on the bed photo too. We have a "Mommy's Rule" that we (me included) are only allowed to jump on beds in hotels. LOL You're on vacation go wild!! (And besides you don't have to pay for busted springs but be careful not to fall off and break a bone :)
Ah! You're visiting Florida during lovebug season. Yup, we have these bugs every year. . .
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