Saturday, June 2, 2007

Big guys project and little guys project

Today has been a 'tinker around' day on the Mustang. Mark and his Dad were very happily ;) working on the brakes--- ALL day. Can't you just sense the fun that they were having?? I was just a little saddened that I couldn't have the car to do my shopping- next time :) Anyway...
Elisha decided his broken-down Gator needed some fine tuning as well-- out came the ramps and off to work all the children went. They scrubbed, shined, fixed batteries??? (don't know about that one) and made it nice and shiny just like PapPap's- or just like Daddy and PapPap's will soon hopefully be-(STILL working on the brakes- that may be a new blog in itself if ya know what I mean.) What hard, hot summer day's work is complete without a good ole' popsicle?
(Mommy went to DQ- wow! -those little star popsicles sure have had the inflation factor put on them from what I remember back in the days!- I told the little ones this would have to be a VERY special treat.)

As you can see, Jacob had the most fun of all! Happy summer-like weekend!

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