Saturday, November 3, 2007

Birthday week, chocolate, and snakes

What a birthday week Miss Elizabeth and Jacob have had! They finally celebrated at home with our tradition of the 'birthday breakfast'- she chose french toast, and Jacob of course chimed right in for the same vote.
Just a tip for french toast breakfasts: candles WILL melt in the hot french toast almost instantly! :)

Again, she had enough of the picture thing and wouldn't look at me :)

Check out the men eating on TINKERBELL plates - ha ha ha ha!!!! Come on guys- it's a princess party- how can you have that without tinkerbell plates??? And every princess party needs some princes and kings - snicker snicker! Hey Mark- told you I'd get you back for putting the DIRTY clothes directly in the dryer! (OK- in his defense they were damp from the children playing outside, he thought they just needed to be dried and was only trying to be a help!)

We did realize that next year Jacob was going to have a much bigger part in the decorating- the girly princess thing will have to be shared with some big-boy Jacob 'stuff'!

And yet another princess dress. Not pictured is a beautiful gold dress that for some reason I keep seeing Lydia in- the sisters must have worked out some kind of deal-

Jacob's turn~

Extreme concentration!

And another birthday season is complete- they go by so quickly!
Onto Mom's next project- I decided to make yummy stuff to sell at a craft show next week. Not like I needed something else to do- but have enjoyed them in the past and figured this year the children are old enough to come sit with me- with plenty of coloring books on hand! Lauri- can you believe the kitchen looks like this??

Yum Yum chocolate!The children also had fun with Daddy carving their first pumpkin- brought back some fun memories of my childhood! LOVE the roasted pumpkin seeds!

And onto the snake.... the children found 2 of these today while they were playing- just what a Mom wants to know! We did some research and they are not harmful- we think they are a 'northern pine' snake.

That's comforting- at least they're just little!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

granola girl said...

Your kids seem to string their birthdays out like ours do. LOL

That snake is too cool almost looks checkered patterned.

I like the way that kitchen looks---yummy and sweet!