Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Morning After

Hi all! We are finally home-- 2 gallons of hairspray washed out, 1 load of laundry done, bridal flowers organized neatly for the returning honeymooning couple (they have decided to drive West and see where it takes them), 3,000 cookies later, and little ones neatly tucked in bed for an early night.... the excitement now over. It was a fun, delightful celebration, and we're all thankful for the blessings granted! This is what the morning looked like with my little zombies :) My sweet princesses were definitely princessed out! Elisha was just thrilled he was able to do an hour of quad riding -hence, the load of laundry! PS-- Monty is still unchanged!!! We took him the WHOLE WAY there- FOR NOTHING!! He'd still be there if Mark hadn't remembered him >:0

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